[box style=”info”]28th May 2015, New York[/box]


Royal Collins announced that the company held a very successful event with SPM, one of the largest Chinese publisher at the meeting room 1E02 on May 28th. About 40 publishers who are from America, Canada, UK and India had attended this unique event.



“We are very honored these best friends can attend this event. About three years ago, I was the first Chinese independent publisher who made English speech at BEA. But this year, I can hold an event with the largest Chinese publisher at BEA. So I am very proud of this.” Said by Mr. Bob Song, President at Royal Collins.



As the second largest publishing market, American publishers have made great benefits from China market. In 2014, China spent USD one billion in buying 5,500 titles and millions of publications from America. So many American publishers want to know the successful secrets of China market. But how to make it?



Any business is based on the fair game. If you want to make more money from China, you should make friends with Chinese publishers and Chinese government. Chinese publishers have paid too much to American publishers, but how much American publishers have paid to Chinese publishers?



“The problem is Chinese publishers can not publish the books to fit the America market. I think co-publishing model is a useful model. Chinese publishers need more training about the American market. Less propaganda, more market! ”Said by Ms. Suk Lee, the International Sales Director at Perseus Group.



In this case, Royal Collins tried to explain and broadcast Chinese culture in the American way. As an expert of Chinese culture, Mr. Stephen Horowitz recommended ten top Chinese authors and works in English to the audiences. Mr. Li Jianchen, the Deputy Director of GAPP appreciated this great trial.


“We are going to cooperate with more American publishers and produce more products based on the American market.” Said by Mr. He Zumin, VP at SPM. Before the event, Mr. Bob Song recommended many American publishers to Mr. He Zumin. The distinguished guests were from PA, APA, Reed Elsevier, Simon and Schuster, Perseus, IPG, PMI, PW and other companies.


Finally, witnessed by Mr Li Jianchen, SPM signed the agreement with Royal Collins, VLM, DiTech and IBLIBIARY. As a happy ending, all guests took a happy group photo. SPM will cooperate with more foreign publishers to broadcast Chinese culture. Foreign publishers also know a good partner- SPM in China.


“In the future, we will work as a professional match maker for Chinese publishers and foreign publishers.” Said by Mr. Bob Song.


[box style=”info”] About Royal Collins[/box]

Royal Collins Publishing Group Inc. is a global publisher and distributor based in Montreal. The company started as an academic book publisher in 2012 and has since grown into a comprehensive publishing industry services company offering numerous solutions, including book distribution, print-on-demand and digital services.

Committed to the success of its partners, Royal Collins works closely with publishers, retailers, libraries and schools around the world.  In providing the right products and services for success in the dynamic and increasingly complex world of content publishing, Royal Collins now has eight operating units in North America, Asia and Europe. Learn more about Royal Collins Publishing Group at www.royalcollins.com.