The Clinical Skills Training Center of The Second Xiangya Hospital (XY2-CSTC) of Central South University (CSU)
Format: Ebook | Pages: 69pp
Language: English
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-4878-0492-3
[box style=”info”]DESCRIPTION[/box]
Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is urgent to raise healthcare workers’ awareness and skills in self-protection and to increase their competence to manage COVID-19 patients with personal protective equipment (PPE) on. Clinical Protection Handbook for Healthcare Workers against COVID-19 is dedicated to guaranteeing occupational safety for healthcare workers and therefore enhancing medical quality. It clearly describes how to perform PPE donning and doffing and COVID-19 patient management, covering 19 standardized procedures and 11 how-to videos. This handbook is full of practical advice and procedures for healthcare workers covering important aspects of their daily work. It includes comprehensive guidelines on the essential skills of occupational safety. This is the only manual currently available for healthcare workers to learn best practice of COVID-19-related occupational protection.
[box style=”info”]ABOUT THE EDITOR[/box]
The Clinical Skills Training Center of The Second Xiangya Hospital (XY2-CSTC) of Central South University (CSU) was founded in 2005. It is a National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and a Clinical Training Base for General Practitioners of the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is also the training base for American Heart Association (AHA) Emergency, American National Disaster Life Support (NDLS) and International Trauma Life Support (ITLS). Currently XY2-CSTC has trained more than 2,000 medical instructors for alliance hospitals through faculty development courses. XY2-CSTC has been nationally and internationally recognized, and played a leading role in educational field all across the country.
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